In other words, they reflect what is within us, everything that needs to be changed to develop or increase our consciousness. The term "indigo" came from the indigo-like auras around these children, as purported by Nancy Ann Tappe. Put simply, the Barnum effect is what happens when you hear a description or statement that sounds unbelievably accurate to your personal experience not realizing that in fact, it applies to just about anybody. I hope that one day peoples minds open up for what i have to say and everyone else has to say to. Does your child expect to be treated as an equal instead of a child? Throughout my youth from about 21-22 I started smoking hasch due to being very depressed and having suicidal thoughts. Could your neurotic megalomaniacal ego be ANY bigger? Ive given them lots of information about a lot of belief systems so they can come to their own conclusions organically. Indigo Children were the warriors born primarily in the 1970s who began to prepare society for the shifting energies. Look, were not saying your kids not special but theyre probably not next level of humanity special. I've always felt like I was WAITING for something, but I have no idea WHAT!! What Is An Indigo Adult? Understanding The Signs And Traits You Have Indigo children do usually have a young look, meaning that they look way below their actual age while acting-wise beyond their years. It is frustrating not having anyone to share experiences with or talk about things with. Since early childhood, the Alpha hada feeling of being different, as if they did not belong to their home, country, or parents. Because I refused my gift when I was younger I am trying to reconnect with it. He always asked when first discovered I assume, why am I gold & then one day he said green but them went back to gold. The Dark Night of the Soulis a period that can be particularly difficult because it is the final return of an indigo person to their mission in this life. Indigos are very intuitive, often psychic. Indigo Children Traits: 13 Signs You're an Indigo Child | Gaia So my mothers friend can see peoples auras and she said that I have protected aura I dont know is that the thing of indigo children (I would be Omega generation) but I would like to know more about it, I am an Alpha Indigo born in 1965 (Double Gemini/ Double Snake/ 7 life path). Now so much things happened are clear for me. I have a bad habit of bringing out insecurities, jealousy, envy, vindictiveness and negative behaviours in low level frequency people. Now too many children are Crystals, so there needed to be a new one, hence Rainbow. They are often labeled (and misdiagnosed) as having ADD or ADHD because they won't comply with established rules and patterns; and they may exhibit behavioral problems at home and at school. Indeed, thats precisely what some experts have cautioned: speaking to How Stuff Works recently, clinical psychologist Monica Vermani said she saw red flag[s] in the concept. Didnt think there was actually other out there, seem to be rarity in Ohio. The DNA distortions that cause contemporary humans chemical imbalance and hormonal malfunction at the onset of 4th strand activation at puberty occur in Indigo children from birth to age 12, creating excessive buildup of frequency within the DNA and bio-energetic field. This post may contain affiliate links. Im Alpha Indigo born 1960, Scandinavia, Europe. While all labels and concepts used to describe the ego are illusory constructs of the mind, finding a sense of affinity with the indigo child label is extremely beneficial. I am going to quickly mention this right now. Every day I do something with love caring people and animals. It was necessary so could move up vibrationally; like everyone else, I am sent here to help others. These people areoveractive and quite extroverted. I don't know statistic HTML5 version Quiz change Report illegal content Create your own quiz Add to your website 15. Continue reading. In their environment, they wantblue and purple colors and enjoy slow music. You really have got that one wrong. I thought to myself, the same way this bee receives the nectar, we too can do the same. I am going to quickly give you an overview of the difference. She is a deep thinking introvert who writes about human behavior and personality, the nature of introversion, the concept of belonging, and social anxiety, hoping to help those who struggle with similar issues as she does. 5. We value a raw, real, and down-to-earth approach to inner transformation. 3. I spent most of my life hiding who I was, trying to fit in and be normal. Many of these traits are unique to indigo children, while some may not apply to specific individuals. To me these children are the answers to the prayers we all have for peace, Doreen Virtue told the New York Times back in 2006, when the indigo children phenomenon was around the height of its fame. So are you an indigo child? They are defined by their powerful drive to change the world. Creatively express yourself and your visionary ideas. We recognize their continued connection to the land and waters of this beautiful place and acknowledge that they never ceded sovereignty. As a child or teenager, you may have been thought of as naughty, obnoxious, disobedient, and contrarian. Youve been this way from a young age and have always felt like youve established a connection with something spiritually deep. The color indigo, which is a dark blue hue with a tinge of green for good measure, is . Key indigo child traits include a strong will, a very intuitive mind, and an urge to improve the preexisting condition in any area within their influence. There are also crystal children, named for their supposedly crystal-colored (and conveniently invisible to the human eye) auras but this concept, even more than that of indigo children, appears to be a reaction against diagnoses of autism. As an indigo child, you are called to a purpose that is larger than everything you are. Somatic Bodywork: 7 Types For Psychospiritual Healing, 7 Vagus Nerve Exercises For Nervous System Healing, How to Begin a Spiritual Journal (Start Here! Answer (1 of 5): I am Indigo, yes. They dont do well with rigid structure, because they dont understand the need for it. All that makes sense to me now. 17 Signs You're What's Known As An 'Indigo Child' - Thought Catalog Take This Quiz And Find Out You Are An Indigo Child Or Not! I am also a gamma indiego. I am a school teacher of 7 and eight yearolds, mostly African American and Hispanic kids who can repeat my thoughts. 1 / 10. While indigo children are highly intelligent, the way their mind works doesnt conform to traditional ways of thinking. like i am finding out about being an indigo child when i am STILL A CHILD so i think i will create my own path, who knows ? Depressed at the time I cry as i type this, but i had hoped & wanted to believe whoever was doing it was of good intent to repair my previously broken bones or the constant loud ringing in my ears (tinnitus) but living w/chronic pain after multiple accidents it never went aeay, nor did the ringing but my anxiety would have killed me thinking differently, as if i was a science project of some kind. Were you a free and independent thinker, an outsider, sometimes feeling hemmed in by external authority? As a kid, were you more empathetic and aware of your emotions than others? You are rarely satisfied with things as they are, and so you always seek improvement. The biggest users of this term were Nancy Ann Tappe, Lee Caroll, and Jan Tober. We are here to shine, to inspire and project our your love without limit or judgement and to ALL souls. To you, spirituality is falling in love with the message, and religion is loving the messenger. 6 Keys to a Happy Life Most People Neglect, The Power of Misfits: How to Find Your Place in a World You Dont Fit In, 1984 Quotes about Control That Are Scarily Relatable to Our Society, 10 Signs of Negative Energy in a Person to Pay Attention to, 6 Things to Do Before the New Year to Make Your Life Better. 1/10 Can you feel the seasons? It was great a few years ago when I first heard the term Indigo. Hello. You inquire into traditional or religious beliefs, test them against experience, and tend to draw your own conclusions. Possible indigo child physical traits. You want to be creative and free to be who you really are. Indigo Type 3s were put on this planet with the purpose of solving the polarity in the earth. | RSS, Key characteristics of being an "indigo child" include "being a child". I didnt recognize that I had one and three until much later in life. This isnt to say you think highly of yourself or like you are going to be an important historical figure, just that you have a sense of duty and purpose in this life. In this article, you will find a deeper understanding of what it means to be an indigo child. He asked me recently who was on the roof, catching me off guard as it was very late at night i asked (after knowing he could see colors auras ) i asked, what do they look like his response one white, one black I know black is evil & white is good & often confused with silver, very intuitive. This wave will soon be split in order that all can be afforded the right space suitable for there evolution. This can cause you to set very high standards for yourself. She is the author of hundreds of popular articles, as well as numerous books and journals on the topics of Self-Love, Spiritual Awakening, and more. All Rights Reserved. This pattern has common yet unique factors that demand that parents and teachers change their treatment and upbringing of them in order to achieve balance. i have indeed have seen ghost,heard ghost and felt them off and on in my life. Things should get a little easier. My whole life to date has been filled with the darkest times that would break in half and probably mentally institutionalised a normal person. The life mission of indigo children is to make the world a better place. I love you guys! After all, the indigos are said to possess unique qualities, so maybe its just a metaphor for being a gifted, sensitive, and highly creative individual. You feel as though youve lived many lifetimes, and possess a wisdom that others your age dont yet have. Thanks Julia and Stef, been following you for awhile. Doing so can help you to get more in touch with your own intuition, your soul path, purpose, higher wisdom, knowledge and higher consciousness. Did you like music and art even if your potential in those areas was never fully reached? , I am a Delta Indigo born Jan 13th 1994 at 13:13, diagnosed at 11 with ADHD and was always being supressed in school for being too active, the medication Concertra XL destroyed me for a year until i took myself off them at 16, i had my awakening in 2017 when i called myself indigo i would hear it in my head for years before until i found out what it meant, i lost myself and rebuilt myself up many times after a lifetime of trauma, i didnt start to heal until age 26 in 2020 and since i did ive been fast tracked towards my true path as now- in the midst of a heavy spiritual karmic war i found my gift and now use it to help others get onto their path daily, when you stay true to your path and never give up you will be protected from anything and guided towards where youre meant to be, 58. There are ways you can determine whether or not you're an Indigo child, so if you'd like to have a look: Click here 17 Signs That You Are An Indigo Child - Medium Urban Dictionary: Indigo Child Indigos are known for their anti-establishment leanings and their drive to see the old ways overturned and a new, better path forged. All Rights Reserved. As an adult, you still cannot stand being boxed in or controlled by others. Your gift is not for personal fulfillment but for all humanity. According to Tober and Carroll [two of the most famous indigo proponents], indigo children may function poorly in conventional schools due to the child's rejection of authority, their being smarter or more spiritually mature than their teachers, and their lack of response to guilt-, fear- or manipulation-based discipline, notes a 2019 Edinburgh Skeptics article. Listen to your Souls calling. Our names are Aletheia Luna & Mateo Sol and were spiritual educators and guides currently living in Perth, Western Australia. Always levels wrongly, Iam a catalyst indigo child. For the last ten years, the term indigo child has been used to refer to children who represent a superior state of human evolution in the context of the New Age school of thought. Although the concept of indigo children originated in the 1970s, there have been groups of individuals all through the ages whose mission and purpose have been to awaken humanity. Many Indigo children are also quite psychic. I hope everyone is adjusting as easily as possible and believing in themselves. Whatever emotion you are feeling in the current moment, you feel it fully. I wish you much love and light in your time here. Indigo children are very curious and introspective. Indigo, Crystal, & Starseed Children Characteristics | Gaia Characteristics of Indigo Children Strong willed and stubborn Have problems with authority Intuitive, often psychic Creative and unafraid of trying something new Lacks patience, often gets frustrated Despite being a rebel, they need clear boundaries and structure while growing up Can be insecure Often diagnosed as ADD, ADHD Its like they cant teach you the life. The Greatest Light and Power of The Universe is Love. You probably feel like you can hear a higher power urging you to keep true to your purpose. If this sounds a lot like you, its likely that you are an indigo child because these are core indigo child traits. I was born in June 2000. Many Indigo children are gifted with being very intuitive, highly perceptive, and spiritually awakened from a very early age. © 2023 IFLScience. 14 Signs of Indigo Children and Adults ~ Psy Minds They are the kids who cant stop asking why? While others will accept a trope answer, indigos want to dig below the surface until they truly understand the thing in question. You easily get scared by horror movies. To those individuals, you will effortlessly be known. Anna LeMind is a psychology enthusiast who holds a bachelor's degree in social sciences. Im a beta (69). Love, Simon. At their core, indigo children are wired to improve life for humanity. Indigos are easily identified by a distinct indigo color in their aura. Very often, Indigo children are misdiagnosed with, Before you dive into the 22 signs, I therefore highly recommend you get a. . How woo woo or accepted as dependable is this now considered would you say? You can see and understand things about humanity and life that most other people dont perceive. You dont inherently respect authority. The content is based on a combination of the authors life experience and years of knowledge gathered through online research. They tend to be androgynous and have psychic powers, such as clairvoyancy. Numbers rule and astrology and other divination tools as well are freaking awesome. that it really cool !! 11. Then years later now I realize i lost my suicidal tendencies, became sorta like a martyr and made a vow. Welcome to The Spirit Nomad! Big love and hugs! You may have felt out of place, and youre looking for the best place to satisfy your curiosity. very annoying. Indigo children are not "dingoes", but beings of all ages (children, teenagers, adults, grandparents) who have the color Indigo very evident in their aura. While there is no evidence to support the claim that Indigo children are real, many people believe that they are. They are warriors in spirit. If they see one scary movie, they may still remember it 10 years later when theyre in a dark and lonely setting. They are born with a huge heart and bring joy and harmony to their families. You may be an Indigo Child. Others claim that signs of being an indigo child are so vague they can apply to anyone (this is called the Forer effect). Julia is the founder of The Spirit Nomad and helps lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. Trust your gut, and I know you have all experienced the wilderness call, make sure you follow them. After all you wouldnt medicate Bart Simpson, would you? This pattern has singularly unique factors that . Routine and stereotypes become a problem for you. I do not live with my biological parents, but I live with my grandmother. Deep in your heart, you feel a driving force to create positive change on this planet. If you have found any comfort, support or guidance in our work, please consider donating: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I'd like to receive your latest weekly newsletter!