In Monster's Ball, Stefan attends the Costume Ball with Caroline and Tyler, and he dresses like James Dean. Katherine jumps off the tower. Stefan remains adamant until Damon reveals that Elena hasn't been able to keep any blood down, including animal blood, human blood from a blood bag and Damon's blood. Damon, Elena and Stefan discuss the situation and Elena says that they need to hide Amara and keep her alive so that they can use that again Silas. Stefan tries to get back with Elena, but she refuses and decides to wait until she makes sure that she and her loved ones are safe first. They get back to the Gilbert house and see Caroline cleaning the floor from the burn mark where Kol died. Stefan is an introvert. Stefan and Katherine at Tyler's welcome party. Valerie puts him at ease by telling him that those flowers have no medicinal properties, they are a wives tale. Julian beat her up until she miscarried Stefan and Valerie's conceived-child and forced her to come back with him to London, England. After a long fight, Stefan falls rendered next to a car, Enzo continues attacking and beating him. He was clearly frightened of her, saying that her face resembled that of a demon and also told her to get away from him. Stefan then threatened John's life by giving him blood to turn him into a vampire, and would do it if John didn't leave town. Elena realizes that Stefan letting himself get beat up was part of his system. Stefan falls unconscious. He later shares an antagonistic relationship with her. While they continue to search for Julian's coffin, Stefan tells Valerie that Nora siphoned her spell from Caroline. Elena goes to him and says that everything will be okay and that he doesn't need to cry. Answer (1 of 3): Stefan had this guilt that he destroyed his brother 's life by bringing human on which Damon has feed first time thus completing his transition.He was now happy that Damon has a happy life with Elena .And someone needed to die along with katherine to stop hell fire. In Pictures of You, Stefan and Damon are throwing football in the living room and asks Stefan how long has it been eight or nine days since Elena killed anyone, Stefan says that he lost count and Damon says that's progress and Stefan asks what are they going to do keep throwing the football around for another 150 years until Elena gets her humanity back, Stefan sarcastically says he's cool with that and Damon says that Elena doesn't want the cure and she's going to start killing people if she knows they're still trying to get it for her Stefan says the could always make her want it Damon asks how are they going to make an emotionless vampire want anything Stefan says to get her to flip her humanity switch, Damon asks what are they going to do pull a Lexi, Bombard her with emotions until one of them sticks and Stefan says if that doesn't work they go to plan B lock her and keep her sidelined they he and Damon figure out a plan C, Damon asks what when she gets slammed with every emotion she's repressed since Jeremy died Stefan says that then Damon will be right by her side ready to help her through it and Damon says because Stefan doesn't want to keep reliving history and when its all over he's just going to get out of her life, Stefan says "bingo" and Damon asks him how does he wants to do it. It works. They talk and she says that she knows he was trying to sneak out this morning and asks him if he regrets spending the night with her. Klaus then apologizes to Rebekah, though somewhat backhandedly, and Rebekah replies that she is willing to take his apology under consideration. In the present . Stefan walks in and ends the feud momentarily, however, Sarah bombards him with the fact that she is related to him. They start talking and joking about Caroline, and her delusional positivity and Control-freakiness , Stefan says that her Control-freakiness never really bugged him, Stefan say that if Caroline Forbes were there right now, they would both be laughing. Jeremy won't tell Stefan anything as he can't be trusted, and Stefan tries to compel him into revealing how far the mark has grown, Jeremy however stakes Stefan in the stomach, saying he can't be compelled anymore before leaving. I don't wanna drag her down with me. The witches did. While the boys talk Caroline finds a book about the symbolic figures of the dark arts and they understand from it that Bonnie is trying to complete the expression triangle by killing twelve witches. In the meantime Caroline manages to find Elena in the woods. Elena seems confused by his reaction and he later tells her that she is better than Damon, that she is better than both of them. Bonnie is talking with Enzo about their last hope lost, Bonnie looks behind Enzo and sees Stefan standing there, Enzo also turns around, but sees nothing, she says his name and Enzo is surprised by that, Bonnie can't believe what is happening and she approaches to Stefan's ghost, Stefan begs her to tell him that she has figured out a way to bring them all back but Bonnie tells him that she lost it, Stefan is sad for this and then he touches her shoulders and passes through her to the other side. Caroline says that Klaus should care now because he has killed many supernatural beings including vampires, werewolves and witches. Stefan was also close with his mother, before she had died when he was 10 years old. He didn't kill people, he only drank animal blood. It is unknown if Katherine had compelled Stefan to forget after she had bitten him. Just as Elena was getting there, Stefan asked what he could do to make her stop. When Enzo is digging a grave in the woods, Stefan arrives and Enzo asks for help but Stefan threatens him and tells him to leave and that leave his brother alone, because he is afraid of Enzo's bad influence on Damon. When it's clear she's not going to stop, he snaps her neck. They'll drain her, make her weak, and bombard her with everything she loved, including a letter Sheriff Forbes mailed to her before she died. Caroline leans over her mom's casket and tells her everything will be OK and she's going to be fine. In After School Special, Stefan is drinking alone at the Grill, expressing his bitterness over the phone to Caroline about Damon and Elena sleeping together. In The Simple Intimacy of the Near Touch. Lily tells him that she went to Europe with a gentleman friend; Stefan laughs at this because he doesn't trust her type of man. Stefan was born and raised in the supernatural town of Mystic Falls, Virginia and came of age during the time of the Civil War. Stefan being tortured by the tomb vampires. Stefan speeds over to Jeremy but Klaus blocks his way, warning him against trying anything. Nora and Mary Louise appear, along with Lily and Beau. He had trouble with compulsion at first and killed as a "more permanent style of memory erasing". Stefan, at this point, shows just how far he has fallen. Last seen Stefan's eyes were open, but barely, his skin still a light sheen of gray. Determined to change that, she later walked with him through the camp where they had met, asking him how he felt about the suffering war victims. They see an eighteen wheeler pass by. One night, Stefan went to a camp where the war-wounded lay, and discreetly fed on their blood. Tripp crosses the border and dies, proving that in Stefan's absence, Enzo turned him into a vampire. He says that he just wants to see her. After that Elena talks to Stefan and says he shouldn't kill Silas, because witches are not easy to kill and Stefan might die. At the church, Stefan finds Caroline alone before the ceremony begins. Elena tells him that she doesn't remember anything from his last encounter with Damon, Stefan tells her it's been three weeks since then. She suggests it must be April Young, who was missing, and that they have to help her. And he responds that this is not why he did it but because she fed on someone in public. Stefan is on the phone with Caroline, having spoken to Tyler about his own sire bond, she reveals hybrids are sired due to being grateful to Klaus, and Stefan seems upset when she adds there is no vampire equivalent for the reasons behind a sire bond. Stefan alerts Elena to the growing pool of blood on the ground. But after Damon's death he decides to break all his connections with his old friends, including Caroline, and start over, breaking her heart in the process. So the brothers took off to find the girls in a small town in Pennsylvania called Willoughby. Stefan helps Katherine to discover what is happening to Matt and what are the intentions of Gregor, Nadia's boyfriend . They find to Jeremy and Enzo and Stefan fight with Enzo meanwhile Katherine save Jeremy, Stefan is winning the fight but Enzo attacks Katherine, Stefan help her to pull out the stake when Damon arrives, he says to Enzo that the spell worked and that they can now go to find Dr. Wes, Enzo leaves the room and when Damon is also going to leave, Stefan tells him that he shouldn't bother in coming back at all, Damon tells him that he did not intend to do and leaves. Stefan had compelled a young woman to go with him to Damon, where he convinced his brother to become a vampire by drinking her blood. They stop at a warehouse and Stefan and Valerie bicker as Damon moves all the planks away from the door. Stefan interrupts to confirm that these vampire hunters have been around for 900 years. He puts the ring on her finger and tells her that they will take it one day at a time. Patient (2010)Unnamed Frat Boy (2016) (While body possessed by Ambrose)Violet Fell (2018) The two of them go to a bar and drink, both beer and blood.
Stefan Salvatore | Heroes Wiki | Fandom They talk a little more and Damon says that he'll get the cure for Elena even if she doesn't want to take it but in that moment Rebekah comes from behind and breaks his neck. Whilst on the phone with Damon, he tells Stefan to leave Jeremy out of it, and Stefan responds with 'Elena needs the cure'. He then chants a spell making himself disappear. In Dead Man on Campus, Stefan continues to have nightmares for everything bad that he spent because of Silas. When Stefan returned home to Mystic Falls after many years, he unexpectedly "met" Elena on May 23, 2009, after he heard Elena and her parents' car accident while he was out at Wickery Bridge. Stefan and Valerie drop, sound asleep. In the meantime Elena gets some of Katherine's stuff so that she could impersonate her better and she leaves for the meeting, leaving the original sister and Katherine talking. He then told Stefan that he had tricked Stefan and had put vervain in his drink after Stefan had asked his father how he knew about Katherine and other vampires existing because "he did not raise his sons to be so weak. Her last words is "I guess this is how our love story ends", Stefan just look at her and she dies. Elena is very hurt and Stefan tells her that Klaus took everything from him and now all he has left is to get revenge on Klaus. She says that she hasn't, and that it is not magical writing. Enzo and Matt watch closely as Stefan and Sarah get acquainted. However, the origin of the tattoo, its significance and when Stefan got the tattoo was all unknown. Klaus then says that he agrees but even if it was Silas who stole it he doesn't see how this affects him. He's still refusing to give up details of his pack. In The Murder of One, Stefan and Damon make a plan with Elena, Matt and Caroline to kill the Originals. Though everything is very bad when she looks at her it makes Caroline wanna let go. In a heartfelt moment, Stefan tells Elena that he loves her. Stefan was confused, worried and concerned about what was happening to Katherine and could not understand why Katherine appeared so sick and weakened all of a sudden. She then asks him if she should be scared of becoming him. "I think she could use a piece of news like that today," Damon says. Stefan tells her that now they have to sleep and close his eyes, Caroline is smiling and watching him resting her head on his shoulder, she close her eyes. She is later staked by Damon and dies before she can attack the sheriff and/or reveal his secret. However, Stefan was also on an episode of The Originals, putting his total episode count at 172. Later Stefan is shown drinking the blood of a woman. He tells her that all of the scenarios she is coming up with are being shot down. In Because, Stefan and Caroline check into a bed and breakfast for a little R&R. Their skin starts to burn, both of them run speed off to the Grill where is Matt, Stefan tells to him that they've got to get out of here. Carpenter (Formerly; Unknown)Nomadic Traveller (Formerly; 1920s)Allies Soldier of World War II (Formerly; 1942)Harvard University Student (Formerly; 1970s)Ambulance Driver (Formerly; 1990s)Immigrant Worker (Formerly; Unknown)High School Student (Formerly; 2009 to 2011)Mechanic (Formerly; 2012)Cade's Soul Harvester[3] (Formerly)The Cure (Formerly) Now every time he closes his eyes he sees Silas' stabbing him, he could feel himself drowning and he needs to make it stop or he'll go insane and turn his humanity off. Stefan was also seen to be ambitious and studious and he desired to become a doctor during his human life and this was his profession or career of choice before he was turned into a vampire against his will. Matt ask what's going on and Stefan says The spell unravels the witch magic and that it's spreading and without the magic, that he is just someone who was shot by his dad, Matt tells them to lets keep running. He calls Elena, but when she picks up he remains silent, Elena realizes who is on the phone. He stops by Whitmore college to see Elena. Stefan follows Elena outside the school. "Elena, do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you?". At the party, Stefan finds Enzo and is ready to attack him but Enzo hears something and deflects a stake thrown by Stefan with a bag of ice in his hand. Silas however refuses to help them because he prefers Amara dead and gone to the other side so he can reunite with her. After finding her personal records and observing her from afar, Stefan determined that Elena was definitely not Katherine. Later on, Stefan and Klaus are standing outside talking about Esther. He remembers that Katherine told him that she gave George Lockwood something that he needed to make him help her fake her death, he figures it's the moonstone. Stefan tells that they could talk about that some other time but Damon is upset about it. As a vampire, Stefan was described as mysterious, brooding, inscrutable, intense, kind, caring, empathetic, compassionate, loving, affectionate, heroic, noble, selfless, brave, intelligent, protective, and loyal. Stefan tells Alaric to wait and is attacked by the twelve witches from the last sacrifice, luckily Klaus arrives and saves them from the witches. He instead let him off with a warning, staked him, but missed the heart on purpose. Damon walks away, angry to which Stefan apologizes. Anywhere," that he's to slit her carotid artery. In Dangerous Liaisons it is learned that Elena had been invited to the Mikaelson Family home for a ball and that the mother, Esther has requested an audience with her. Caroline told him that every time he feels he's about to lose control she will be there for him. But he shouldn't get her wrong-he's standing there and he looks good and she remember their sex and it was good sex but she just doesn't feel anything about it anymore. Elena enters the Grill, safe as long as Connor doesn't know she's a vampire. Stefan got her to calm down and showed that this was completely natural. When Stefan tries to charge him, Enzo snaps his neck easily. ", In Heart of Darkness, it is revealed that Elena is going on a trip to Denver with Damon due to Stefan's idea that she figure out her feelings for Damon. She is still suspicious, so he dangles the offer to talk Matt into giving her another chance, and finally Rebekah gives in. "why don't you get the hell out of my house. Stefan played the position of wide receiver on the high school football team, both on the show and in the novels.
After Tessa strips away Stefan's memories in order to take away Silas' own mental powers, his personality developed obvious changes for a brief period of time. Damon appears behind Rayna and tells Stefan that it wasn't her idea, it was his. Finally, Stefan snaps his neck. They then planned a course of action to get around the guards who were on watch for the vampires, and eventually made it to the cage where Katherine was being held captive. Not taking any chances, Giuseppe tries to stake and kill Stefan. Sheriff Forbes has given them the name of the town where the original sister and Elena have went to find Katherine. Valerie siphons it and they open it, revealing Julian's corpse. I can't atone for my mistakes if I keep making them. They joke about the bad luck they usually have at the dances and Elena responds saying that they need to live their lives. Zach refers to him as "Uncle Stefan", even though Stefan looks significantly much younger. Later, Stefan along with Damon is waiting for Elena to wake up. Klaus congratulates him about the Mystic Falls evacuation and for saving human lives. Stefan was also highly honorable, noble, brave, courageous, altruistic, and selfless, especially when it comes to the people he loves and cares about. Stefan meet Elena in an alternative life. He asks Tyler to warn Caroline as he douses his with gas. Later, Stefan and Elena are about to go into Alaric's apartment and Stefan tells her that he is not trying to hurt her, he just can't be what she wants him to be right now. He'd felt it, too. He says to her, "After I bit you I never wanted to feel anything again." A miss comes out of the sprinkling system as a woman with scabs and sores all over her face says "night, night" to them. Stefan reveals that hating Klaus was easy because it allowed him to ignore everything happening around him, everything he let slip away. Stefan wears his lapis lazuli daylight ring on the middle finger of his right hand. Stefan and Lexi head to the Grill to find Alaric, but still see no sign of him. In 1864, Lexi met young and new vampire Stefan Salvatore when he tried to feed on her, as he was unable to distinguish his kind from human. At school, Stefan and Elena endure harassment from Rebekah until Elena tries to retaliate: she throws a pencil forcefully at Rebekah, who catches it and throws it into Elena's chest. Later on, Damon reveals to Stefan that Klaus is dead and they both seem very sad. Katherine arrives and stabs Gloria in the neck. Gloria sets up everything to torture him for the information, and finally sees where the necklace is. Then Stefan attacks Enzo by clutching his heart but without taking it out. Klaus asks if he loves Caroline and Stefan asks "Why? Damon tells him that he was right, Elena is sired and Damon holds up a photo Stefan realizes of being from New Orleans in 1942. Word Count: 610. Stefan adds that Caroline shouldn't hesitate and snap Elena's neck the moment she sees her. Damon assures him he's back. He was born and raised in the town of Mystic Falls and had just moved back to town, where he lives with his nephew Zach in the Salvatore Boarding House. Stefan calls to Caroline, he too tells her about having visions of Elena and thinks he is going crazy, Caroline tells him that he isn't crazy and that something is happening because Elena too is having similar visions. He then has to face the consequences of his actions when his compulsion on others wears off and is temporarily detained before Caroline has him freed. In Fifty Shades of Grayson, Stefan wakes up next to Katherine in bed but she frantically covers herself with a sheet and leaves the room and Stefan looks on amused. The throng of vampires pushed closer, their hissing turning from individual into one massive thing. Whilst drinking and laughing, Stefan reveals his plans to join the war and seems surprised, yet joyful when Damon requests to join, and says he will speak to his C.O before leaving to get another round of drinks. Stefan returns the conversation to the story of the Five, and Klaus explains that Rebekah's beau, Alexander, was looking for vampires with the assumption that they could not walk in the daylight, so Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah felt safe around Alexander while wearing their daylight rings. They'll both help her and then he'll use the sire bond to bring her back. Damon then tells him that Lily plans to have them fractured and they make a plan about having a fake fight, while Stefan distracts her and Damon can look for the last member of the Heretics. They arrive where the Travelers are doing the spell to awaken Markos, their leader, the Travelers drink the blood of Elena and Stefan and begin to burn alive, Stefan takes Caroline's hand and escape with their vampire speed. Overwhelmed and shocked, Stefan tried to help him, but Giuseppe refused him, disgusted by what Stefan was becoming. then Damon hands him a paper which reads Valerie LaMarche, Stefan looks up curiously and Damon tells him she was the witch who helped break the sire bond. Stefan agrees and says that when they talk about denial he could say that in his head there was no way that Elena could stay a vampire forever, especially now when she doesn't have a family. No one seems to be inside. A detective then approached him, showed him a sketch of Nik and Rebekah and asked if he had ever seen them before. Damon is later taken by Rebekah and tortured. Caroline comes into their bedroom and Stefan touches he and gets burned. Elena tells Stefan she needs to talk to him and she asks for his help in getting her into the room with Esther alone. Stefan is the twin flame of Elena Gilbert, the younger brother of Damon . Stefan faints from being cured of his vampirism. They are both sad, but Elena expresses that Stefan came into her life at a time when she needed someone and she fell for him instantly. After that Stefan grabs her and takes her over his shoulder while Caroline shouts that she didn't mean that he should take her. A short while later, Bonnie arrives at the Gilbert house at the Salvatores' invitation. In Ghost World, after Bonnie casts a spell revealing all of the ghosts, Lexi appears. She says that she thinks Damon was right, she doesn't even deserve to be loved. Do you still have feelings for her?" Stefan reveals that he can't because he hates himself for what he did to her. Elena volunteers to say a few words in Pastor Young's memory as Damon enters the church. Damon gets up to say Liz Forbes' eulogy. Stefan just nods his head to her, with which he implies that the little Gilbert is gone. Elena is the main protagonist and Damon is the tritagonist. In The New Deal, it is revealed that Stefan is hiding Klaus' family coffins with the help of Bonnie. He tells her that if she wants to have fun they should go somewhere more privately. Under your skinpulsating, flowing. Stefan returns to the Gilbert house the next day to talk to Elena. Discovering that Stefan was a ripper- meaning he only fed and hunted and has lost his humanity, Lexi took it upon herself to help Stefan regain his humanity by not turning his feelings off, where she succeeded eventually. In Brave New World, at a carnival, Damon challenged Stefan to hand-wrestle Mason Lockwood but Stefan lost. Over a gradual period of time, Stefan and Elena bond, fall deeply, passionately in love and eventually develop a romantic relationship. In The Day I Tried To Live, Seeing the 1994 Mrs. Cuddles, Caroline's determined to find the original, which she buried in the forest years ago. He realizes that Sarah or the pretend Sarah is fake because he has been keeping tabs on her since the day she left. She sees a figure, who she assumes to be Markos, and she starts trembling in fear. At that time Damon arrives and tries to convince Enzo to let Stefan and Elena free, Enzo reminds him that it was Stefan who killed Maggie and so he has to die, then Damon tells him that Stefan was not the one who killed Maggie, that he was the one who did it, Enzo is surprised and in shock, Damon tries to explain but Enzo is too hurt by it, so he decides to turn off his emotions.